Meet Our Team
Guatemalan Team

Ana Aguilar, MD
Medical Director, Petén
Dra. Anita is 100% Peténera. Anita was born at the National Hospital in San Benito. After completing her medical training in Cuba, Dra. Anita came back to work in the Petén as a General Medical doctor with the Centro de Salud in Santa Ana, Petén prior to joining our team. At this time Dr. Anita is also employed on a part-time basis at the National Hospital in San Benito.
Luis Olivares, MD
Board member, Asociación Alianza Internaciónal de la Salud.
Formerly Director of the Pediatric Residency training program at the National Hospital in San Benito, Dr Luis Olivares MD is a Guatemalan Pediatrician who has a daily pediatric clinic at the Dispensario Domenicas. In addition, Dr. Luis teaches the local midwives and health promoters courses on HIV and prevention of complications with home deliveries.
Linda Novak, MD
Dr. Linda is a U.S. Board Certified ophthalmologist who has been working with Lions Clubs throughout Guatemala setting up eye clinics and eye screenings in rural areas of the country for the past 22 years. Dr. Linda’s area of expertise is in setting up medical outreach to geographically isolated areas
Brother Martin Shea, MM
Marty Shea has been a Maryknoller for more than 50 years. A part-time resident of Guatemala City and the Petén, Brother Martin finds fulfillment in attending to the needs of the elderly at the Asilo.
Alma Jo Leon, LMT
Alma is a medical technologist in charge of laboratory services at the Dispensario Domenicas as well as Tikal lab. In addition, Alma started the first and only Blood Bank in the Petén located at the National Hospital in San Benito. Having served the Petén communities for over 15 years Alma is well versed in any and all parasites that impact patients from the regional communities.
Nancy Jo Leon, LRD
Nancy is a licensed dietician with a degree in Special Education from the University of San Carlos in Guatemala City. She assists with the medical outreach program. Nancy is well known to the local municipalities as well as numerous cocodes in the remote communities of the Petén.
Norma Rauda
Norma is in charge of all domestic functions at the Mission house. In conjunction with Nidia she provides a healthy meals for our team and all volunteers. In addition Norma is responsible for organizing all household repairs and cleaning.
Encarnacion Garcia
Board member, Asociación Alianza Internacióna de la Salud
“Chon” was the former director of the social programs for the Vicariate. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Universidad de San Carlos in Petén. As part of our team, Chon investigates the needs of the rural communities and provides direction as to the villages which are most in need of health services, water and sanitation.
Aurelia Chub, RN
Aurelia has worked with us since completing her bacchilerato at Talika Cumi in Coban in 2000. Beginning as a health promoter in 2001, Aurelia continued her education first as enfermeria auxiliar then as professional nurse. Aurelia is in charge of pharmaceutical supplies and equipment for our medical outreach program. She is also employed at the National Hospital in San Benito. Aurelia speaks Q’eqchi, Spanish and English.
Catalina Choc
Catalina is a bilingual enfermera auxiliar who speaks Spanish and Q’eqchi. Catalina accompanies the team to the rural villages.
Marcelino Shol, RN
Marcelino joined our team in 2016. He speaks both Spanish and Q’eqchi. Marcelino also works at the National Hospital in the Emergency room where he assists with the Q’eqchi patients.
Hector Vega
Hector is the owner of Transportes Sacpuy. For over 7 years, Hector has been in charge of transporting our team to more than 50 rural communities. Hector is a member of the local transportation union.
Minor Alvarez
Minor, the newest member of our team, provides safe transportation to the San Benito, Santa
Nidia Diego
Nidia, the designated cook for the household, designs and prepares the weekly menu. As a baker at a local restaurant in Flores, Nidia has offered her culinary talents to the medical team for over ten years.
Asociación Alianza Internaciónal de la Salud

The Asociación Alianza Internaciónal de la Salud formed in 2014 to facilitate and strengthen US IHA’s ongoing commitment to the communities of the Petén.
Members of the Asociación include:
Luis Olivares, MD, Encarnacion Garcia, Samuel Alonso, OD,Linda Novak, MD, and Fr. Rogelio Guevara. (not pictured) Manuel Valle, MD, Rudy Gutierrez Paz, MD